

Steam Beech

Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.
Image of steam beech wood.

Steam Beech

RDBL is a trusted Indian supplier of high-quality European Beech Wood, with prices determined by quality and quantity. This versatile wood is sourced from European beech forests and offered in grades AB, B, ABC, and BC, catering to various industrial and commercial needs.

RDBL is a trusted supplier of high-quality Beech Wood in India, offering a wide range of grades and sizes to meet industrial and commercial needs. The price of Steam Beech Wood in India depends on factors like quality, thickness, grade, and quantity.

Beech Wood, a European hardwood, finds applications in furniture, plywood veneers, flooring, handicrafts, toys, and doors. The primary source of Beech Wood supply to India is European countries, particularly from western, central, and southern regions. The majority of Beech Wood worldwide comes from European beech forests.

At RDBL, we stock Beech Wood in grades AB, B, ABC, and BC, with grading conducted by our overseas producers. The highest-grade wood is nearly flawless and free from red heart on at least one side, making it suitable for battens and slats, as well as items requiring unblemished pieces. The AB grade includes isolated knots and some red heart but is suitable for both commercial and industrial production, often featuring a high percentage of unblemished slabs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Beech Wood?

Beech wood is obtained from Beech tree which is also called “Queen of the woods”. Actually,the reason of this name is the stately appearance of these trees. The tree has broad leaves and grow as a hardwood. Beech trees commonly reach hundred feet in height. The diameters of the trunk are often 4 feet and above. RDBL brings you Beech Wood from these beautiful trees from Europe.

For more information : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beech

Why is Beech Wood steamed?

Mostly,steaming is done as a process to improve the appearance of sapwood. As we know sapwood is the outer light coloured portion of the tree trunk and heartwood is the central and darker portion of the tree trunk.This is becoming more critical today as the diameter of the trees are smaller. This means lumber with higher percentage of sapwood. Steaming Beech wood enhances the appearance of the lumber.

What colour is Beech wood?

Beech Wood originally has a pale cream colour. Also, sometimes it has a natural pink or brown hue which is often called “Pink Beechwood” or “Brown Beechwood”. Popularly it is also referred as white Beechwood.

What is steamed Beechwood?

The beech lumber is steamed right after it is sawn and before it has a chance to dry. Because, the white sapwood becomes much darker after steaming, looking at times almost as dark as heartwood, the lumber looks uniform, workable and attractive. The heartwood when steamed also changes colour, becoming a bit darker. Beech lumber often takes a  distinctive pink or golden colour. All European Beechwood is steamed before drying. The pink colour is an essential feature of the European beech.

How do we steam Beech Wood?

The beech lumber steaming is done in special vat or buildings with a temperature of 190 to 212°F. There are no fans in steaming Chambers. With hundred percent RH humidity wet steam is given to Beech Wood lumber. This is why the lumber does not dry during the steaming process. 10 psi is probably is the highest pressure  given.  The steaming is introduced with chambers at floor level with perforated steam pipes in water filled troughs.

Steaming time for 1 inch Beechwood lumber are typically 24 to 96 hours. After steaming the hot lumber is removed from steaming chambers, stickered and put to dry into the kiln.

Is Steam Beech wood workable?

Beech Wood is also referred as hardwood. It’s hardness, wear- resistance, strength and excellent bending capabilities make this hardwood a main stay for wood workers. Overall, Beech has a good working ability. It machines, glues, finishes and turns well.

What is Beech Wood good for?

Some common uses for Beech Wood includes making of flooring, boat building, cabinetry, furniture, doors,windows,door frames,musical instruments, handicrafts, plywood, veneers and turned objects.

Is Beech a hard or a soft wood?

Beech is a hard, strong and heavy wood. This tree is an angiosperm. It clearly means that the seed of this tree develops a coating which later turns either into a fruit or a shell. Beechtree has broader leaves. Because Beech is a hardwood its density is more than the softwood.

RDBL provides best quality beechwood in india. We also offer competitive sawn Beechwood price.

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We are the premier provider of high-quality, sustainable wood products, while promoting responsible forestry practices.

Copyright © RDBL


We are the premier provider of high-quality, sustainable wood products, while promoting responsible forestry practices.

Copyright © RDBL


We are the premier provider of high-quality, sustainable wood products, while promoting responsible forestry practices.

Copyright © RDBL